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Please familiarize yourself with our cancellation, rescheduling and service policies.

Cancelation Policy

We require a 24-hour notice to cancel any booking/detailing service.  Failure to do so will result in a $50 cancellation fee.


We reserve the right to charge up to 1/2 of the scheduled detailing service if canceled by the customer on the day of said scheduled service unless extreme circumstances could not allow you to keep the scheduled service.


We reserve the right to charge a $100 non-refundable retainer if the customer has canceled and rescheduled multiple times.


We reserve the right to alter a booking or move a booking in accordance to weather conditions and/or equipment failure without penalty to the company. 


There will be a $25 rescheduling fee if:


1. There is NOT ample amount of space to perform our service, permission to be on-premises if you are not the owner, and a safe location as well as safe conditions to service your vehicle.


If we arrive and the previously mentioned conditions are not met, we reserve the right to reschedule the service at a later time/date that works for both parties and charge a $25 rescheduling fee.


We require payment to be made in full on the day of the scheduled service.  If the customer is not present they can leave payment in cash  or we will send an invoice via email that must be paid in full the same day. Failure to pay in full on the same day will result in a 10% late charge accrued each day if left unpaid.


A minimum of 10% surcharge will be applied to all jobs that involve excessive pet hair, urine, vomit, blood, feces, or other hazardous materials. 

Service Policy

We respect your time and personal property and we will be polite and courteous at all times.  However, we reserve the right to refuse, deny or discontinue any service if we deem the customer to be unreasonable.


We will not tolerate any verbal or physical abuse under any circumstances and will take the relevant actions should any such behaviors be encountered


For your safety please keep a safe distance, at least 10-15 feet away from our work area to avoid any trip or slip hazards. If you need to speak to us while we are working on your vehicle please make sure to get our attention from a distance. We try to pay attention to our surroundings

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